


Hello all! I am bored a little bit right now so I want to show you all of the letters I have ever got! This is the first part of them. March,16th 2011 - January, 25th 2012. Enjoy them! :D
This letter is from Talita - Brasil.

Prachi - India. This is my first letter from India!

Sandra - Germany! Sandra always sents so cute letters!

Shay - Canada.

Kristiana - Latvia.

Belita - Kenya. This is my first letter from Kenya!

Anastasia - Moldova.

Amanda - Taiwan. Letters and a Christmas card.

New Zealaaaaand!

Lilia, Ekaterina, Ksenya - Russia.

Ofri - Israel!

Natasha, Weronika - Belarus.

Vicky - Greece! Her letters are so funny and cute!

Barin - Austria.

Kornelija, Samantha - Lithuania.

Anna, Yui, Yui B. - Japan.

Nelli, Sini - Finland.

Iveta, Dora - Bulgaria. These letters are important to me becuase Iveta was my first penpal I have ever got and Dora is my sweet sister that I MET! I love you Dora so much and miss you!!!


Kaitlynn, Supanna - Thailand. Kaitlynn's letters are written in English and Polish!

ITALIAAAAAAAAA!!! Monika, Eleonora M., Monika M.

Letters from Poland. Claudia, Julia, Ala, Judyta, Lidia.

Anne, Jia, Avi - China.

Nicole - Hong Kong.

Odile, Emma, Jia - France. I got a fantastic notebook with hearts from Jia!

Genesis - Puerto Rico! Genesis was born on November, 8th too!!!

Heidi, Koko, Lottie - England.

Carla, Jennifer - England.

Saki, Melissa - Australia! Melissa is my best friend, I love her so much!

Oana - Romania! One of the oldest penpals of mine, I have almost 15 letters from her! I love her so much!

Nóra - Hungary! She is awesome! I have over 15 letters from her, she replies me SO fast! Love you Nóra!

Beata, Viola - Czech Republic.

The United States!!! Alex, Nicole, Chello, Brittany, Thalia R.

The United States part 2. - Sarah, Wendy, Thalia C., Jenna, Jessica, Carlena, Hunter.

South Korea - Dayoung, Yejin K., Jiwon, Kelly.

South Korea part 2. - Heeju, Ah-reum, Joori! Joori always sends me yummy sweets with her letters!

Romy - Belgium! I love you Romy!

Some letters of my collection! :D

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