

Letters, letters, letters :)

Hello everyone! Welcome again in my blog. xD I am very sorry for not writing indeed... Hope you can forgive me! So... Here you can see letters I got when I was in Ireland (or previous letters). :) Enjoy!

Genesis, my lovely friend sent me a magazine from Puerto Rico! With magazines about One Direction! <333 Muchas gracias mi amiga!!!

This is from my Australian friend - Melissa! <3 I love the gifts! :) Thank you so much Mel!

Shonna from the USA! I LOVED the postcard from her! Her town is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen!

Vicky from Greece!

Ines from Portugal! ~~

Sarah from the USA!

Suprita from India! She sent me some Hindi money! :)

Hmm, a random pic. Here you can see some Thai money! :)

ALEX FROM THE USA! <3 She sent me 2 postcards from Florida, a lot of Irish and American stickers and my favourite magazine! Ah, and her notebook from Spanish classes at school! Thank you SO much Alex!!! You are awesome!!! <3

Here is a postcard I got from my classmate - Zuzia :)

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